Keep Walking 2022

A team of IEDT JSC took part in the Russian daily walking practice championship "Keep Walking 2022" for the first time ever. Our 28 staff members took more than 8 million steps in a month and ranked 174th out of 1,724 corporate teams. We believe that for the first time this was a decent result!

This event has been held since 2019 under the auspices of the Charitable Foundation of the National Health League with the support of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation as part of the federal project "Sport is the norm of life". The project aims at motivating middle-aged and elderly people to increase their daily physical activity. Corporate, municipal, student, family, senior teams and healthism groups participate in the competition. Totally, more than 92 thousand people (3438 teams from 807 cities) took part in the competition this year.

In order to motivate the athletes, the Trade Union of IEDT JSC decided to give special award the top 5 employees based on the results of the intra-team ranking. On December 15, 2022, the following winners were awarded:

1st place was taken by the team leader E.S. Trubitsyn;

2nd place - E.V. Dmitrieva;

3rd place - O.V. Zarayskaya;

4th place - M.N. Luchankin;

5th place - A.I. Vorontsova.
