Academic Board of IEDT JSC

The Academic Board was established in 2011 as an academic advisory body to the Director General of IEDT JSC.

The main tasks of the Academic Board:

  • Discussion of the most urgent issues and current trends in transport development
  • Working out proposals for the development of research activities and research and personnel resources of the institute
  • Transformation of scientific discussions into relevant research on the development of rail and other modes of transport..

The Academic Board is comprised of managers and key specialists of IEDT JSC, heads of departments of RZD JSCo and well-known scientists from the academic partners and higher educational institutions (Institute for National Economic Forecasts of RAS, Moscow State University of Transport (MIIT), St. Petersburg State Transport University (PGUPS)).

The Board's activities contribute to the concentration of the best scientific ideas and the effective exchange of information with leading industry scientists.

Presidium of the Academic Board


Irina Gennadyevna

Chairman of the Academic Board

Director General of IEDT JSC


Yury Nikolayevich

Vice-Chairman of the Academic Board

First Deputy Director General of IEDT JSC, Cand. Econ. Sc.


Sergey Vladimirovich

Vice-Chairman of the Academic Board

Deputy Director General of IEDT JSC


Sergey Victorovich

Secretary of the Academic Board

Deputy Head of the Research Support Department of IEDT JSC, Cand. Econ. Sc.


Andrey Fedorovich

Head of the Department of Engineering Support of Automated Systems of IEDT JSC, Academician of the Russian Academy of Transport, PhD of Engineering Sciences, Professor


Roland Lavrentievich

Head of the Center for the Development of Passenger Transportation of IEDT JSC, Cand. Econ. Sc.


Alexey Anatolyevich

Deputy Director General of IEDT JSC, Cand. Econ. Sc. 


Vladimir Vasilyevich

Head of the Research Support Department of IEDT JSC, Cand. Econ. Sc.


Maksim Konstantinovich


Vitaly Vladimirovich

Deputy Director General of IEDT JSC, Cand. of Eng. Sc.


Alina Terentyevna

Chief Researcher of IEDT JSC, PhD in Economics, Professor


Alexey Davidovich

Deputy Head of Investment Program Monitoring and Financial Modeling Center of IEDT JSC, Cand. Econ. Sc.


Dmitriy Sergeevich

Head of the Center for the Development of Industry Standards of IEDT JSC, Cand. Econ. Sc.


Sergey Valeryevich

Deputy Director General of IEDT JSC


Maksim Bogdanovich

Deputy Director General of IEDT JSC, Cand. Econ. Sc.

Key staff


Anton Andreyevich

Head of the Department of Advanced Transportation Projects of IEDT JSC


Evgeny Alexandrovich

Head of the Center of Railroad Operations and Interoperability of Transport Systems of IEDT JSC


Evgeny Vladimirovich

Head of the Software Development and Implementation Center of IEDT JSC


Vadim Alexandrovich

Head of the Investment Program Monitoring and Financial Modeling Center of IEDT JSC


Sergey Valentinovich

Head of the Center for Transport Infrastructure Project Management and Engineering and Process Expertise of IEDT JSC


Andrey Alexandrovich

Head of the Macroeconomics and Forecasting Methodology Center of IEDT JSC


Pavel Alexandrovich

Head of the Transport Market Development Center of IEDT JSC


Alina Leonidovna

Deputy Head of the Train Traffic Management Department of IEDT JSC, Cand. of Eng. Sc.


Sergey Evgeniyevich

Deputy Head of the Center for the Development of Passenger Transportation of IEDT JSC, Cand. Econ. Sc.


Vladimir Alexeyevich

Head of the By-Laws Management and Production Process Support Sector, IEDT JSC, Cand. Econ. Sc.


Roman Viktorovich

Deputy Head of the Macroeconomics and Forecasting Methodology Center of IEDT JSC, Cand. Sc. Psychology.


Anna Gennadyevna

Chief expert of the Digital Development Project Management Center of IEDT JSC


Konstantin Yuryevich

Senior Researcher, IEDT JSC, Cand. of Eng. Sc.


Yaroslav Yuryevich

Senior Researcher, IEDT JSC, Cand. of Eng. Sc.


Sergey Leontievich

Deputy Head of the Software Development and Implementation Center of IEDT JSC, Cand. of Eng. Sc.

Extended staff

(representatives of RZD JSCo and the academic community) 


Vladimir Evgenyevich

Head of the Technical Policy Department of RZD JSCo


Andrey Anatolyevich

Deputy Head of the Department of Business Block Management “Railway Transportation and Infrastructure” of RZD JSCo


Kirill Alexandrovich

Deputy Head of the Passenger Traffic Department of RZD JSCo


Vladimir Alexandrovich

First Deputy Head of the Economic Environment and Strategic Development Department of RZD JSCo 


Alexey Nikolayevich

Advisor to the Director of the Federal Autonomous Institution “Unified Research and Design Institute of Spatial Planning of the Russian Federation”, Cand. Econ. Sc.  


Dmitry Alexandrovich

First Deputy Chairman of the Joint Academic Board of RZD JSCo, PhD in Economics, Professor


Mikhail Yuryevich

Deputy Head of the Investment Department of RZD JSCo 


Peter Kirillovich

First Vice-Rector - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of PGUPS, Professor of the Railway Stations and Junctions Department, Cand. of Eng. Sc., Associate Professor


Sergey Alekseevich

First Deputy Director of the Capital Construction Department of RZD JSCo


Yuri Igorevich

Director, Institute of Economics and Finance, Moscow State University of Transport (MIIT), PhD in Economics, Professor 


Артем Васильевич

Доцент кафедры «Управление эксплуатационной работой и безопасностью на транспорте» РУТ (МИИТ), к.т.н. 


Natalia Petrovna

Professor of the Department of Economics and Management in Transport, Moscow State University of Transport (MIIT), PhD in Economics


Alexander Alexandrovich

Director of the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences, PhD in Economics, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences