Standard cost estimating and pricing
IEDT JSC is one of the main designers of the documents of sectoral cost estimate standard base OSNBZh-2001, underlying the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction and overhaul of all facilities of railway transport infrastructure of RZD JSCo.
The OSNBZh-2001 industry cost estimate standard base is included in Federal Register of Cost Estimate Standards. OSNBZh-2001 is freely available on the official website of the Ministry of Construction of Russia .
In accordance with the order of RZD JSC No. 2437r dd 27/11/2017, IEDT JSC is the only contractor for the development (updating, revision) of cost estimate standards and regulatory documents of RZD JSC related to the determination of estimated cost, and takes an active part in the activities implemented by the Ministry of Construction of Russia to improve pricing in the construction sector of the Russian Federation.
The institute also carries out work on:
- Supporting the construction complex of RZD JSCo in the field of pricing and standard cost estimating in construction
- Development (updating) of cost estimate standards and regulatory documents, analytical materials related to determining the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction and overhaul repairs of capital construction facilities of RZD JSCo
Assessment of the planned investment cost of capital construction facilities of RZD JSCo on the basis of the aggregated standards of construction prices and comparable facilities
This area includes the following activities:
Monitoring of current prices of construction resources used in determining the estimated cost of railway transport infrastructure facilities by regions of the Russian Federation
Preparation of proposals to be included in the Federal State Information System of Pricing in Construction (FGIS CS)
- Development of current indices of changes in the cost estimates of construction of railway transport facilities
- Development of itemized cost estimate standards (GESN) for dedicated types and complexes of activities in railroad construction
- Development of aggregated standards of construction prices for facilities in various sectors of the economy
- An aggregated assessment of the preliminary cost of construction, operation and life cycle of railway transport infrastructure at the pre-project stage as part of the feasibility studies for railroad development projects in the Russian Federation, using the aggregated construction price standards and cost indicators of comparable facilities approved by the Ministry of Construction of Russia
Furthermore, the institute interacts with federal executive agencies, including participation in the review of methodical documents on pricing of the Ministry of Construction of Russia in order to ensure that industry-specific features of the cost estimate of construction facilities are incorporated into those documents.
Between 2020 and 2022, the institute developed and successfully applied a digital tool for estimating the preliminary cost of construction of specialized industrial facilities for a large industrial holding.
In 2022-2023 the institute developed Methods for determining the preliminary construction cost of railway transport infrastructure at the pre-project stage, approved by order of IEDT JSC No. IERT-112 dd 25/10/2023. The objective of Methods is to establish in IEDT JSC a unified procedure for determining the preliminary construction cost of railway transport infrastructure at the pre-project stage as part of investment justifications, feasibility studies, general development plans or other pre-project studies carried out before the start of the development of project documentation, for the purpose of planning investment volumes at the time of the idea (plan) of construction before carrying out design and survey work in the event of insufficient or low readiness of initial data on objects planned for construction, subject to clarification at subsequent stages of the project.
Collection of Construction Price Standards "Railways", approved by the order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia No. 839/pr dd 01/06/2017
Collection of Structural Solutions Price Standards "Railways" (PSSS), approved by order of RZD JSCo No. 1071/r dd 03/05/2023
Collection of aggregated unit rates for routine maintenance, technical maintenance and repair of railway transport infrastructure facilities for track and structures; automation and tele-automatics; electrification and power supply
Development (with subsequent technical support and maintenance of IT-tools) of integrated unit rates for construction and installation operations (CIO) to estimate the preliminary cost of construction of specialized industrial facilities
Update and development of industry regulatory documents related to determination of the current cost of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of railway transport infrastructure facilities
Сборник отраслевых отпускных цен на оборудование ОСОЦЖо-2025, утвержденный распоряжением ОАО «РЖД» от 21.01.2025 № 96/р
Methodological recommendations for determining the projected volumes of consumption and costs of products procured during construction and installation operations on the facilities of RZD JSCo under construction and re-construction, approved by Order of RZD JSCo No. 229/r dd 04/02/2022
Development of itemized cost estimate standards for dedicated types and complexes of activities
129 standards for reconstruction and overhaul operations on catenary systems on railroad transport to organize train traffic at a speed of up to 160 km/h (included in the FSNB-2022 Federal Cost Estimate Standard Base, as amended by Order of the Russian Ministry of Construction No. 1133/pr dd 27/12/2022; No. 84/pr dd 10/02/2023; No. 551/pr dd 02/08/2023; No. 817/pr dd 14/11/2023)
374 standards for operations on overhaul of railway transport facilities at the level of intermediate and scheduled preventive maintenance of the track superstructure (included in the FSNB-2022 Federal Cost Estimate Standard Base as amended by Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia No. 378/pr dd 18/05/2022; No. 703/pr dd 26/08/2022; No. 905/pr dd 26/10/2022; No. 84/pr dd 10/02/2023; No. 817/pr dd 14/11/2023)
66 standards for welding rail joints by track-welding machines and replacing defective reinforced concrete and wooden sleepers by tie-renewal machine (positive opinion of the Federal Autonomous Organization Glavgosekspertiza of Russia No. 02-01-0033-21 dd 18/11/2021)