Macroeconomics and international market conditions

Specialists of the Institute make a comprehensive analysis of macroeconomic indicators of the development of the world economy, including a multi-factor study of macroeconomic indicators of development of Russia as a whole and in the context of the main cargo-generating sectors of the economy, as well as provide support for the methodological framework of forecasting freight traffic volumes by rail transport with regard to future trends in the Russian and world economy.

This area includes the following activities:

  • multi-factor studies of trends in macroeconomic and current market indicators
  • substantiation and reconciliation of intra- and inter-branch dynamics of the main indicators of the Russian economy development, with consideration of the global economy prospects
  • analysis and consolidation of forecasts (consensus forecasts) of Russian and foreign think tanks and experts
  • economic research of regional aspects of the prospective development of major industry sectors
  • preparation of background study papers on macroeconomics, industry and foreign trade of Russia and the world

Project portfolio:

Research and methodological support for the model of monitoring, analysis and forecasting of macroeconomic and sectoral development of the Russian Federation with the estimates of balanced indicators

Upgrading the economic system for forecasting freight traffic volumes within the network of RZD JSCo, based on the inter-industry balance model

Evaluation of the main commodity markets in the regional context. analysis and forecast of the price environment for export products