As part of the 2024–2026 Work Program for updating and developing cost estimate regulations and normative documents related to determining the current cost of construction, reconstruction, and capital repairs of railway infrastructure facilities—approved by JSC "RZD" Deputy General Director A.S. Makarov on December 29, 2023, No. 2585—the Industry Standards Development Center has prepared the Industry Price Catalogue for Equipment (OSOTSZhO-2025) based on price levels as of January 1, 2025.
The catalogue was approved by JSC "RZD" directive No. 96/r dated January 21, 2025, and is applicable across the entire railway network for estimating the cost of construction and reconstruction of railway infrastructure facilities of JSC "RZD." It is used for projects where, in accordance with the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the cost estimates for construction and reconstruction are not subject to verification for accuracy by state expert review authorities.