The Jubilee International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Academician V.N. Obraztsov

On June 19, 2024, a Jubilee International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Academician V.N. Obraztsov and the 100th anniversary of the departments "Railway Stations and Transport Hubs" and "Operation Management and Safety in Transport" was held at the Institute of Management and Digital Technologies of RUT (MIIT).

At the ceremonial meeting of the extended scientific council of IUСT, V.V. Panin, Deputy Director General of IEDT JSC, Cand. of Eng. Sc., graduate of MIIT, Associate Professor, delivered a report on the modern developments of IEDT JSC related to the development of ideas by Academician V.N. Obraztsov, the founder of the Unified Technological Process in transport.

Borodin A.F., Head of the Department of Engineering Support of Automated Systems of IEDT JSC, Academician of the Russian Academy of Transport, PhD of Engineering Sciences, Professor, participated in organizing committee of the event, as well as in panel discussion on "Implementing the ideas of Academician V.N. Obraztsov in the development of transport hubs in major urban agglomerations". He discussed current trends in the development and interaction of major hubs, modern methodological approaches, mathematical modeling tools, and shared the experience of IEDT in its application to large-scale project solutions.

At the conclusion of the conference, a time capsule was placed in the museum of RUT (MIIT). The capsule will be opened exactly 10 years from now.

Photo: Press Center of IUCT