24 октября 2024 года на площадке Института экономики и финансов РУТ (МИИТ) состоялась международная научно-практическая конференция «Концептуальные проблемы экономики и управления на транспорте: взгляд в будущее».
Representatives from IEDT presented on pressing research tasks in the development of railway transport through the following reports:
"Railway Concessions in Modern Russia: Development Pathways" by Sergey Sekushin, Deputy General Director for Science;
"Some Aspects of Changing Parameters in Terminal and Logistics Infrastructure Placement in Modern Conditions" by R. V. Martyshkin, Cand. Sc. Psychology, Deputy Head of the Center for Macroeconomics and Forecasting Methodology;
"Assessment of the Potential of the North-South International Transport Corridor (ITC) in Supporting Russian Energy Exports" by S. P. Kudiarov, Lead Engineer at the Center for Macroeconomics and Forecasting Methodology;
"Assessing BRICS' Role in the Development of Russian Railway Transport" by A. V. Zakovorotny, Category I Engineer at the Center for Macroeconomics and Forecasting Methodology.
The conference, which included international participants, provided a platform for exchanging experiences in transport system research and development across various countries, including Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, China, and Chile.