Conference “Kochnev Readings 2023”

On April 19-20, 2023, the 2nd International Research-to-Practice Conference “Kochnev Readings 2023. Modern Theory and Practice of Railroad Operation” was held on the platform of the Russian University of Transport (RUT (MIIT)).

The conference touched upon the issues of technology for operational work and development of the railway network, human resources potential of the transportation process, digital transformation of the transportation process management, organization and management of passenger transportation, logistics transport systems and technologies.

At the plenary session I.G. Magnushevskaya, Director General of IEDT JSC, presented a report on the topic "Infrastructural and process solutions to increase the volume of export of containers from the Far East from 4500 to 6500 TEU per day", V.V. Panin, Cand. of Eng. Sc., Associate Professor, Deputy Director General of IEDT JSC,presented a report on the topic "Tasks and methods of compromise management in the organization of the transportation process" and A.V. Borodin, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Engineering Support of Automated Systems and Simulation Modeling of IEDT JSC, presented a report on the topic "Ensuring continuity of transportation and consistency of the processes of planning and operational management of field operations".

A total of 13 employees of IEDT JSC took part in four sections during the two days of the conference, including: E.A. Lakhankin, A.Y. Sokolov, A.L. Schepanov, S.Y. Kirillova, A.V. Sugorovsky, K.Y. Nikolayev, E.O. Dmitriev, I.F. Mustafin, S.L. Schepanov, M.V. Tarar.