Corporate project “How to be successful and happy”

Elena Tsyrenova, engineer of IEDT JSC, became a laureate of the corporate social project for female employees of RZD JSCo "How to be successful and happy" and was included in the top 50 leaders of the project, who will participate in a offsite event this autumn.

The main project focus was the idea of creating and developing women's communities of RZD JSCo, considering both professional and personal interests. Now, female employees can communicate, share experiences, support each other on the "женщиныржд.рф" Internet portal. More than 130 communities were created as a result of this project, such as "PRO responsible parenthood", "The World of Health, Sports, Beauty", "Beautiful Places of our Motherland", etc.

As part of the Spring online intensive course, female employees learned from leading speakers how to be healthy, raise children, withstand stressful situations in times of turbulence, develop at work and at the same time maintain harmony and comfort in the family. More than 2,000 women took part in the project.