On August 24-25, 2023, II International Research-to-Practice Conference «Science 1520 VNIIZhT: over the horizon», which IEDT specialists were attended by, was held at the site of the International Railway Salon of Equipment and Technologies "PRO//Dvizhenie.Expo".
On August 24, I.A. Porechina, Deputy Head of the Center for the Development of Railway Transport of IEDT JSC, made a report on "On the long-term strategic directions for the development of RZD railway network" at "Railway infrastructure in modern conditions" round-table meeting.
Employees of the Transport Market Development Center of IEDT JSC E.V. Dmitrieva, Head of the Sector of Logistics Interaction Between Different Modes of Transport and A.P. Maslova, lead engineer, made a report on "Increasing the logistics potential of Russia's inland water transport to ensure freight intermodal transportation and the effective development of trade and economic ties in the new geopolitical conditions" at "New transport products and logistics solutions" round-table meeting.