Meeting of the Joint Academic Board of RZD JSCo

On June 27, 2024, a meeting of the Joint Academic Board of RZD JSCo was held to discuss the formation of scientifically substantiated proposals on technical and technological solutions and developments for creating high-speed railway lines and ensuring their rolling stock.

S.V. Rumyantsev, Deputy Director General of IEDT JSC, delivered a report titled "On the Effects for Russian Railways from Freight Transportation towards Ports of the North-West Basin Considering the Construction of the Moscow – St. Petersburg HSR".

In his presentation, Sergey Valeryevich outlined the prospects for the development of railway infrastructure leading to ports in the North-West Basin, taking into account the implementation of the high-speed rail line (VSM) project. Experts from IEDT conducted calculations on the necessary measures to handle 220 million tons by 2030 towards the ports of the North-West, as well as the effects for Russian Railways from the implementation of comprehensive infrastructure development projects at the specified site and cargo transportation.

The report highlighted the transportation of goods in containers, focusing on terminal logistics activities within the gravitational polygon network of railways. It explored the possibility of transferring international trade containers from rail transport to the Northern Sea Route, as well as the anticipated effects of operating locomotives and flatcars to drive high-speed container trains at speeds up to 140 km/h.