On September 14-15, 2023, V National Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Path of the 21st Century", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the "Railway track" department, was held at the Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University.
The following issues were discussed at the conference:
- design and modern technologies for maintaining the railway track in high-speed sections;
- design and modern technologies for servicing the railway track in conditions of heavy traffic in particularly heavy traffic areas and in areas with a resource of 2500 million tons gross;
- innovative methods of monitoring and diagnostics of tracks and turnouts;
- digitalization and information technologies in the track sector;
- training of specialists in the field of technical condition management of railway tracks.
D.S. Rubchenko, Head of the Center for the Development of Industry Standards of IEDT JSC, Cand. Econ. Sc., took part in the conference in person. Based on the results of the conference, a scientific article will be published on the topic "Development of cost estimates for advanced designs and technologies in the construction and maintenance of railway infrastructure facilities" by D.S. Rubchenko and A.I. Petrovsky, leading engineer of the Center for the Development of Industry Standards of IEDT JSC.