IEDT at the VNIKTI Conference

On July 10, 2024, the Second Scientific and Technical Conference "Railway Science. Here and Now" was held in Kolomna, organized by VNIKTI.

Dmitry Khodykin, an expert from the Center of Railroad Operations and Interoperability of Transport Systems, Andrey Zakovorotny, Engineer I Category from the Macroeconomics and Forecasting Methodology Center, and Mikhail Alabugin, Engineer II Category from the Transport Market Development Center, represented IEDT at the conference.

Dmitry Khodykin presented a report on "Structural-Functional Interaction in Post-Stream Management of Empty Wagon Flows".

The report sparked particular interest among conference participants. It detailed modern scientific approaches to managing empty wagon flows aimed at optimizing railway transportation and enhancing its efficiency.

Photo: IEDT