IEDT spoke at the IPRE RAS conference

On May 28-29, 2024, the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Formation of Transport Systems and Socio-Economic Development of Urban Agglomerations" was held at the Institute of Regional Economic Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPRE RAS).

At the conference, R.V. Martyshkin, Deputy Head of the Macroeconomics and Forecasting Methodology Center of IEDT JSC, Cand. Sc. Psychology, presented a report on "Development of Terminal and Logistics Infrastructure in the Context of Freight Flow Reorientation."

The report was presented at the sectional meeting "Research on Urban Agglomeration Transport Systems," which discussed issues related to the development of large agglomerations, population mobility, and mathematical methods for modeling transport flows.

In his report, the main trends in the terminal and logistics services market were highlighted, an assessment of prospective logistics activities in specific railway regions (including October Railway) was provided, and IEDT developments in algorithms for selecting locations for new terminal and logistics centers (TLCs) were presented.

Following the presentation, conference participants discussed the further development of the St. Petersburg agglomeration, new railway bypasses in the Leningrad region, and the interaction between port stations and hinterland terminals.