Academic Board Meeting on optimizing port and railway operations

On June 5, 2024, a meeting of the Academic Council was held at IEDT to discuss a wide range of issues, including optimizing port operations in coordination with the railway and developing methods for calculating freight traffic volumes.

Petr Kirillovich Rybin, the First Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of PGUPS, Ph.D., and Maxim Vladimirovich Chetchuev, Associate Professor of the Department of Railway Stations and Junctions of PGUPS, Ph.D., delivered a presentation on "Interactions between port terminals as a factor in optimizing the overall port operations."

The next item on the agenda was a presentation by Maria Nikolaevna Polyakova, Deputy Head of the Department of Prospective Wagon Flows and Train Operations at IEDT. She presented a methodology for calculating freight traffic volumes, analyzed the dynamics, and discussed the factors contributing to the increase in static load per wagon.

Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Esaulov, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Transport Organization and Safety at Far Eastern State Transport University (FESTU), Ph.D., presented a report on "Increasing the Throughput Capacity Model in the Direction of the Nakhodka Hub in the Current Development Trend of the Eastern Polygon".

The meeting of the Academic Board provided an opportunity for knowledge exchange and discussion of relevant issues in the field of transport logistics and railway transportation. Participants acknowledged the importance of the topics presented and expressed interest in further research and implementation of the approaches presented.