01.10.2022 On 1 of October the birthday is celebrating by JSC "Russian Railways" On 1 of October of 2003, the Ministry of Railways was transformed into the open joint stock company "Russian Railways". In a short historical period, a difficult path of reforming the railway industry... IEDT news
19.09.2022 International Scientific and Practical Conference 16 of September of 2022, a scientific and practical conference "The Way from the largest fair of the Empire to the hub of global transport Corridors" was held in Nizhny Novgorod, organized by the Gork... IEDT news
24.08.2022 The team of JSC "ITED" took part in the intellectual tournament The team of JSC "ITED" took part in the intellectual tournament "What? Where? When?" of the corporate youth League of Russian Railways on the 23 of August 2022. After a hard day, guys immerse themselv... IEDT news
08.08.2022 Charity race "Reaching the goal!" in honor of the Railway Worker's Day On August 7, 2022, employees of the Institute took part in the race "Reaching the goal" in honor of the Railway Worker's Day. Our athletes successfully overpassed 10 km and the traditional distance - ... IEDT news
04.08.2022 Meeting of authorized representatives of railway administrations On the 18-19 of July 2022, a meeting of authorized representatives of railway administrations was held in the format of a videoconference. The meeting was attended by authorized representatives of the... IEDT news
12.07.2022 20th meeting of the subcommittee on infrastructure and logistics On July 7, 2022, the 20th meeting of the Subcommittee on Infrastructure and Logistics of the Advisory Committee on Transport and Infrastructure was held under the chairmanship of the Deputy Director o... IEDT news
01.07.2022 An article was published The anniversary issue of the scientific journal "Vestnik VNIIZHT" published a team article of authors of JSC "ITED" under the control of Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, Head of the Department... IEDT news
30.06.2022 Meeting of the Joint Scientific Council The topic of the next meeting of the Joint Scientific Council of JSC "Russian Railways", held on the 30 of June 2022: "Scientific assessment and formation of proposals for the development of informati... IEDT news
06.06.2022 ITED employee became the winner of the project "How to be successful and happy" From March to May 2022, JSC "Russian Railways" hosted an annual corporate social project for women "How to be successful and happy". It is aimed at improving the quality of women's existences, expandi... IEDT news
04.06.2022 Conference "The Way to Magadan" Deputy of CEO — Head of the Center for the Development of General Schemes of transport hubs of JSC "ITED" Lebedev M.K. took part in the conference "The Way to Magadan", dedicated to the 100th annivers... IEDT news
01.06.2022 Congratulations on a successful defense of dissertation researches In April-May 2022, successful defense of dissertation research and awarding of academic degrees of candidates of Technical sciences to employees of the department of Railway Operation and Interaction ... IEDT news