10.10.2023 I.G. Magnushevskaya held a lecture at Russian University of Transport (MIIT) On October 10, 2023, I.G. Magnushevskaya, Director General of IEDT JSC, gave a lecture to students of the Institute of Management and Digital Technologies at Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Th... IEDT news
29.09.2023 Network meeting On September 27-29, 2023, Network meeting of RZD JSCo managers was held in Nizhny Novgorod on the basis of Gorky Railway. The meeting touched upon the issues of development and implementation of compl... IEDT news
28.09.2023 Meeting of the Joint Academic Board of RZD JSCo On October 27, 2023 the Joint Academic Board of RZD JSCo held a meeting to discuss the issues pertaining to formation of scientifically based proposals for multimodal passenger transportation in the c... IEDT news
21.09.2023 The new software is registered with the Ministry for Digital Technology, Communication and Mass Media On September 21, the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation hosted the defense of the Software for forecasting of locomotives and locomotive crews ind... IEDT news
21.09.2023 Participation in an industry seminar On September 21, 2023, an industry seminar on issues of pricing and estimate regulation in construction was held under the auspices of the State Corporation "Rosatom". The seminar was attended by repr... IEDT news
15.09.2023 "Path of the 21st Century" conference On September 14-15, 2023, V National Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Path of the 21st Century", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the "Railway track" departme... IEDT news
11.09.2023 Article published in "Kommersant" journal «Kommersant» journal published an article «Promising network development projects» by I.G. Magnushevskaya, Director General, IEDT JSC. The material discusses both the issues of modernizing the existin... IEDT news
04.09.2023 Participation in the "Best Collective Agreement" competition On September 4, 2023, at the site of Moscow Railway, the results of the Best Collective Agreement competition were considered at a meeting of the Dorprofzhel Presidium, chaired by Dmitry Alekseevich S... IEDT news
31.08.2023 Article published in "Rail Transport" journal August issue of "Rail Transport" journal published an article "IEDT JSC and RZD JSCo - 20 years of fruitful cooperation" by I.G. Magnushevskaya, Director General, IEDT JSC. The publication presents th... IEDT news
25.08.2023 II International Research-to-Practice Conference «Science 1520 VNIIZhT: over the horizon» On August 24-25, 2023, II International Research-to-Practice Conference «Science 1520 VNIIZhT: over the horizon», which IEDT specialists were attended by, was held at the site of the International Rai... IEDT news
25.08.2023 Meeting of the Coordinating Council of research industrial complex institutions of RZD Holding On August 25, 2023, a meeting of the Coordinating Council of research industrial complex institutions of RZD Holding was held in St. Petersburg. The heads of the institutes summed up preliminary resul... IEDT news
24.08.2023 Conference of the transport and logistics block of the RZD holding On August 22-26, 2023, 5th conference of the transport and logistics block of the RZD holding was held in St. Petersburg. On August 23, 2023, I.G. Magnushevskaya, Director General of IEDT JSC, present... IEDT news