13.11.2024 IEDT's Comment on the Development of Mongolian Railways for Gudok Russian Railways Retains a 50% Stake in Ulaanbaatar Railway JSC for Another Five Years Russian Railways (RZD) will continue to hold a 50% stake in the charter capital of Ulaanbaatar Railway JSC for an... Media about us
08.11.2024 Speech by the IEDT Head at the “PRO//Motion.South” Conference “PRO//Motion.South”: Increasing the Throughput Capacity to ABSB Ports to 200 Million Tons Will Be in Demand At the "PRO//Motion.South" conference, Irina Magnushevskaya, General Director of the Institu... Media about us
07.11.2024 QMS at IEDT has been recognized for its high development level At the RZD Corporate University, representatives from the holding shared insights with experts from Roskachestvo and other organizations about the company’s existing Quality Management System (QMS). "... Media about us
06.11.2024 ИЭРТ принял участие в заседании Совета по железнодорожному транспорту СНГ в Ташкенте 5–6 ноября 2024 года в Ташкенте состоялось восемьдесят первое заседание Совета по железнодорожному транспорту государств СНГ, в котором в составе делегации ОАО «РЖД» принял участие заместитель генерал... IEDT news
05.11.2024 IEDT received an official commendation The Institute for Transport Economics and Development received an official commendation from the Institute of Economics and Finance of the Russian University of Transport (RUT (MIIT)) for its high lev... IEDT news
29.10.2024 IEDT Head Awarded "Friend of Youth" in "Youth Recognition" Competition In the results of the Central-level "Youth Recognition" competition held by JSC "Russian Railways," Irina Gennadyevna Magnushevskaya, General Director of IEDT, took an honorable third place in the "Fr... IEDT news
28.10.2024 The Head of IEDT to Speak as a Keynote Speaker at the PRO//Motion.South Forum Irina Magnushevskaya, General Director of IEDT, will be a featured speaker at the transport and logistics conference PRO//Motion.South, scheduled for November 8, 2024, in Mineralnye Vody. She will joi... IEDT news
25.10.2024 IEDT at the XIII All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference with International Participation On October 24-25, 2024, representatives of IEDT participated in the XIII All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference, "Polytransport Systems", held in Novosibirsk. The event, organized by the Mini... IEDT news
25.10.2024 IEDT Participates in InterTransCamp 2024 Educational Project Sergey Vladimirovich Sekushin, Deputy General Director of IEDT, took part in the InterTransCamp 2024 project, organized by the Far Eastern State Transport University (FESTU) in collaboration with Chin... IEDT news
24.10.2024 IEDT Head Joins Jury of "Formula of Movement" Award Irina Gennadievna Magnushevskaya, General Director of IEDT JSC, has been appointed to the jury for the prestigious "Formula of Movement" Award. This event will take place in November as part of "Trans... IEDT news
24.10.2024 IEDT Participation in the International Scientific Conference 24 октября 2024 года на площадке Института экономики и финансов РУТ (МИИТ) состоялась международная научно-практическая конференция «Концептуальные проблемы экономики и управления на транспорте: взгля... IEDT news
22.10.2024 IEDT Academic Board on the Development of Capacity and Throughput Assessment Methods On October 22, 2024, the Academic Board of IEDT JSC held a meeting focused on advancing methods for assessing the capacity and throughput of railway network segments. The event featured scientific rep... IEDT news