04.07.2024 Academic Board Meeting on developing transport links with Asian countries On July 4, 2024, a meeting of the Academic Council was held at IEDT, dedicated to the development of transport links between Russia and Asian countries, as well as other relevant issues. In the framew... IEDT news
28.06.2024 IEDT has joined the Anti-Corruption Charter In June 2024, IEDT JSC, in implementing the requirements of Article 13.3 of the Federal Law of December 25, 2008 No. 273-FZ "On Combating Corruption" and taking measures to prevent corruption, joined ... IEDT news
27.06.2024 IEDT at the V Anniversary Women's Forum of JSC "Russian Railways" From June 25 to 27, 2024, the V Anniversary Women's Forum of JSC "Russian Railways" took place in Novosibirsk. The event, dedicated to the role of women in the railway industry, brought together more ... IEDT news
27.06.2024 Meeting of the Joint Academic Board of RZD JSCo On June 27, 2024, a meeting of the Joint Academic Board of RZD JSCo was held to discuss the formation of scientifically substantiated proposals on technical and technological solutions and development... IEDT news
21.06.2024 IEDT representative participated in RZD Advanced Experience School From June 19 to 20, a network school of advanced experience on the topic "The Role of the Technological Service in Increasing the Efficiency of the Transportation Process" was held in Khabarovsk at th... IEDT news
19.06.2024 The Jubilee International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Academician V.N. Obraztsov On June 19, 2024, a Jubilee International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Academician V.N. Obraztsov and the 100th anniversary of the departments "Railway Sta... IEDT news
12.06.2024 Happy Russia Day! Institute for Transport Economics and Development congratulates everyone on Russia Day! This important national holiday unites millions of people, highlighting our pride in the rich history, culture, ... IEDT news
10.06.2024 IEDT at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) From June 5 to 8, 2024, the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), one of the largest and most significant economic events in the world, was held in St. Petersburg. SPIEF annually gather... IEDT news
05.06.2024 Academic Board Meeting on optimizing port and railway operations On June 5, 2024, a meeting of the Academic Council was held at IEDT to discuss a wide range of issues, including optimizing port operations in coordination with the railway and developing methods for ... IEDT news
31.05.2024 A representative from IEDT at the conference on container transportation of industrial cargo On May 30-31, 2024, the III International Conference "Market of Container Transportation of Industrial Cargo" took place in Moscow. At the conference, Zamkovoy A.A., Deputy Director General of IEDT JS... IEDT news
30.05.2024 IEDT delegation participated in the RZD School of Advanced Experience On May 29-30, 2024, the School of Advanced Experience on the topic "Effective Fleet Management and Organization of Locomotive Crew Working Hours" was organized at the Sverdlovsk Railway (Yekaterinburg... IEDT news
29.05.2024 IEDT representative spoke at the IPT RAS conference On May 28-29, 2024, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Transport of Russia: Problems and Prospects-2024" was held at the N.S. Solomenko Institute of Transport Problems of the Russi... IEDT news