23.05.2024 IEDT participated in the INNOLOG 2024 conference On May 23, 2024, the International Scientific and Practical Conference INNOLOG 2024: "Prospects for the Formation of the Northern Transport Corridor" was held at the site of the Ural State University ... IEDT news
09.05.2024 Happy Victory Day! On this significant day, the 79th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, we remember those who defended the independence of our homeland at the cost of their lives, liberated the world... IEDT news
24.04.2024 IEDT received a citation of Federal Archival Agency of Russia On April 24, 2024, a seminar with organizations-sources of acquisition of RGANTD on the topic “Current tasks and problematic issues of acquisition of scientific and technical documentation” was held i... IEDT news
23.04.2024 IEDT was awarded the Russian Government Prize for Quality On April 22, 2024, the award ceremony for the 2023 Prizes of the Russian Federation Government in the field of quality took place at the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. IEDT JSC became a... IEDT news
18.04.2024 IEDT at the II International Scientific Conference of Postgrads and Young Scientists On April 18, 2024, the II International Scientific Conference of Postgrads and Young Scientists “Railway: the Path to the Future” was held at the site of VNIIZhT. The conference was attended by repres... IEDT news
18.04.2024 IEDT at National scientific and practical conference On April 18, 2024, the National scientific and practical conference “Trends in economic development of the Russian transport complex: Foresight, forecasts and strategies” was held at the Institute of ... IEDT news
28.03.2024 Meeting of the Joint Academic Board of RZD JSCo On March 28, 2024, the Joint Academic Board of RZD JSCo held a meeting to discuss the issues pertaining to formation of proposals for scientifically based approaches to the effects of significant tran... IEDT news
26.03.2024 A speaker from IEDT prepared young people for the "Novoye Zveno. Projects" competition On March 26, 2024, a webinar «Project performance indicators and methods for its calculation» was held in preparation for the «Novoye Zveno.Projects» competition at The Corporate University of Russian... IEDT news
21.03.2024 IEDT at RZD Chief Engineers Board On March 21, 2024, the Chief Engineers Board of RZD JSCo held a meeting in Moscow under chairmanship of A.M. Khramtsov, Deputy Director General - Chief Engineer of RZD JSCo, in which a IEDT representa... IEDT news
21.03.2024 An IEDT employee has been awarded the "Innovator of Russian Railways JSC" title For many years of active and fruitful scientific work, implementation of innovative ideas, efficient development and implementation of measures contributing to the improvement of railway transportatio... IEDT news
15.03.2024 Happy 84th Birthday, IEDT! Today, on March 15, our Institute turns 84 years old since its establishment in 1940. The Institute is approaching this milestone with high results. Our competencies are in high demand in the context ... IEDT news